The Rebirth of Fashion

When fashion takes a break it sits down and takes a picture.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Summertime Love (w)

Sun shining high in the sky
Baby I'm happy to be in your life
Clouds above passing us by
My heart your world just feels so right
Whether it's 90 degrees or 75
It's only you I wish to have a good time with
Walking and talking in the dark
Breathing easing strongly appealing
To each others delight
Have you heard the birds sing at night?
They sing for us they sing for our plight
The honey they produce
Like the honey in you
Which settles and secures my appetite
Baby you are my reason
For believing in the deeper feelings
Of the joys of this season
That keeps us hand in hand like a glove
As we share with one another this

Summertime Love

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