The Rebirth of Fashion

When fashion takes a break it sits down and takes a picture.

Monday, September 12, 2005

For You to Understand (w)

So beautiful
So soft – my mind is here for your smile
So clear my love and crush reappears
You My Love
I want to touch with my dedication
May I
May I travel to heaven
Just to see how to treat you
May I
I am in love
In Love with life to be able
To experience
Conversing with you
Longing to someday
learn with you
having fun laughing with you
whether in the sun
or underneath your shine
I live for the ease
Less the disease
of mental insecurities
for my body is the source
to encounter for the pleasure naturally
resulting in no other reason
for you to not want to believe in me
while achieving me
As a man
Who only lives

For You to Understand

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