The Rebirth of Fashion

When fashion takes a break it sits down and takes a picture.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

With or Without Me (w)

My every need circumcised by the fallacy
of another’s mentality
negative energy don't need
never understood the formality
until it became the result of a casualty fatality
Remotely I control the orbit that surrounds me
so act before taking one and I'll cut out the scenery
the drama allowing you to understand a visionary
who explores much more of his deity
Divinity I breathe slowly to relax within
the unbalanced word vicinity
sex, drugs, alcohol, and money nothing funny
when it’s outside of your proximity
Per Diem you owe cuz you slow
Operating off of what you know
where there's much to learn like the chemistry
like before me the world plus me the world
take away me the world equals the world
continuing to spin

With or Without Me

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