The Rebirth of Fashion

When fashion takes a break it sits down and takes a picture.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Moisture - 09/15/04

mslaurar49: i was hoping we could chat but the time must not be right... hope to catch you tomorrow!
ahkmelp: I didn't know how to hit you because you are not on my friends list yet...I couldn't see you online
ahkmelp: please excuse me
mslaurar49: aaahhh i thought you got tied up
ahkmelp: I will add you now
mslaurar49: well i am glad you are still here
ahkmelp: I am working still
ahkmelp: my day tomorrow will be smooth
mslaurar49: well i guess you have to take the good with the bd
mslaurar49: bad
ahkmelp: I enjoy what I do
mslaurar49: i use to enjoy what i do.....
mslaurar49: but i know the feeling
mslaurar49: if you are busy i can always catch you tomorrow
ahkmelp: ok
ahkmelp: share somethings with what's on the brain...
mslaurar49: you
ahkmelp: politically or enviornmentally
ahkmelp: I am on your mind.....then share
ahkmelp: I like to read
mslaurar49: okay
ahkmelp: it helps me write
ahkmelp: what are you thinking
mslaurar49: i sent this to your mg note. but i'll give it to you here as well
mslaurar49: He Knows

Sitting here alone wondering if we will ever
meet. Just the simple thought of you makes
my body weak.

I touch myself and close my eyes hoping one
day I can feel your touch, your breath, your
smile, your scent, wishing it was your skin
I felt going down and touching me.

To feel your lips and the warmth of your
tongue dancing with mine.

Can this be that someone has thrown fuel on
my flame and ignited a fire that refuses to
be put away!

For now I'll sit here alone with a smile on
my face knowing that the simple thought of
your name drives me insane.

Sitting here alone waiting patiently for that day.

mslaurar49: corny but honest
mslaurar49: oh sorry didn't know what that button was for
ahkmelp: I'll show you
ahkmelp: right on your (shut your mouth)
mslaurar49: lololol
mslaurar49: i wish
ahkmelp: I like what you wrote
mslaurar49: good.
mslaurar49: i was hopjng you would
mslaurar49: i don't know how else to put it
mslaurar49: its crazy feeling like this
ahkmelp: it is an impulse that drives us to remove our disappointments from the voids in our lives presently it is a beautiful thing
mslaurar49: presently it is a beautiful thing...
mslaurar49: i wish i could have been feeling the way i do for the last year
ahkmelp: why
mslaurar49: i needed the spark that you gave me
ahkmelp: well it is my esteemed pleasure
mslaurar49: why? so i have smiled more
mslaurar49: so i could have smiled more
mslaurar49: excuse me
mslaurar49: i think God put certain people in our lifes at just the right time
ahkmelp: I believe that
mslaurar49: so do you ever randomly think of me?
mslaurar49: how tall are you?
ahkmelp: 6'2 3/4
mslaurar49: how many woman do you have drooling over you right now?
mslaurar49: othr then me that is
ahkmelp: you can answer that question
mslaurar49: ?? can i
ahkmelp: yeap
mslaurar49: so are you saying one????????
mslaurar49: i am sitting here tripping myself out... i just realized that every time that i talk to you my finger is in my mouth
ahkmelp: you are sexy like that
ahkmelp: do you have a web cam
mslaurar49: no
mslaurar49: i am out of the times
mslaurar49: i wished i did right now though
ahkmelp: I know
ahkmelp: I would watch you
mslaurar49: sexy like what
ahkmelp: sexy like what
ahkmelp: ?
mslaurar49: you said, " you are sexy like that"
mslaurar49: sexy like what, how, you lost me
ahkmelp: AHK: I know
AHK: I would watch you
mslaurar49: sexy like what
AHK: sexy like what
AHK: ?
ahkmelp: you wrote that
mslaurar49: no, go up a little more..
mslaurar49: Ahkmel : you can answer that question
mslaurar49: ?? can i
Ahkmel : yeap
mslaurar49: so are you saying one????????
mslaurar49: i am sitting here tripping myself out... i just realized that every time that i talk to you my finger is in my mouth
Ahkmel : you are sexy like that
Ahkmel : do you have a web cam
mslaurar49: lololol... i guess that lost both of us......
mslaurar49: no biggie
ahkmelp: I was disconnected for a second...thanks
mslaurar49: i see
mslaurar49: so what is on your mind
ahkmelp: I am working baby
mslaurar49: ah you did say that
ahkmelp: you are sexy like the saliva in my mouth everytime I swallow
ahkmelp: I am finding you attractive for more than the reason you would believe
mslaurar49: so tell me
mslaurar49: let me believe
ahkmelp: when I logged on to MG I was interested in a heart..not a shape, when I composed my intro to you-you express interest..with your heart....this is why I write the way I do, I have been blessed and I share that every chance I get........because it is a part of me and my heart...
mslaurar49: your words touched me so i could do nothing else but to come as real as possible....
ahkmelp: real is the equivalent to the heart I am referring to
mslaurar49: yeah i know
ahkmelp: you are keeping me from my work
ahkmelp: can you tell me some more about me
ahkmelp: then how do you feel about the war....and this presidential race
ahkmelp: I will make you pay
mslaurar49: i don't mean to keep you from your work
ahkmelp: it's cool you are more immediately important
mslaurar49: i think we didn't get over to iraq fast enough.... i know the true reasons are under cover but after the destruction on 9/11 i wanted revenge for all those lives....
mslaurar49: and i think a new president right now will mess everything more then what it is already
mslaurar49: and with a new president we will be easier to attacj becasue kerry is just not as interested in out safety
mslaurar49: aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh is that right..... MUAH
mslaurar49: now who is paying. >:)
ahkmelp: I have a task
ahkmelp: for you
mslaurar49: more about you........ i thank god for crossing our paths...... i hope that we can grow to have a nice strong friendship..... i want to laugh with you for a long time...
ahkmelp: do you have the time
mslaurar49: sure i do
ahkmelp: ahkmel pharod browse and hit me with the questions I live to be asked about my work....
ahkmelp: I have yet to share with you who I am - I would rather show you
mslaurar49: i've been there and i've read some of your stuff
ahkmelp: I had know Idea
ahkmelp: now go here same name and see what strangers are saying about this man you are finding appealing
mslaurar49: okay i'l be back... get to work
ahkmelp: :D
mslaurar49: okay i found you and your statement but how do i get to see people review or statements
mslaurar49: never mind i figured it out
ahkmelp: good job
mslaurar49: why are you so sad in so many of your wrtings
mslaurar49: or should i say who hurt you?
ahkmelp: not sad
ahkmelp: happy
ahkmelp: women hurt themselves as I
mslaurar49: okay let me research some more
ahkmelp: no one has hurt me
mslaurar49: your searching
ahkmelp: I hurt myself...I self inflict myself with women that are is a thing that happens for good reasons I guess.
ahkmelp: then I meet the secure with dillema's
ahkmelp: it is weird
mslaurar49: its not weird... you just haven't meet the "ONE"......
ahkmelp: so I write because I am happy to know that this can be related across the world
ahkmelp: it is a special thing
ahkmelp: not about me really
mslaurar49: yes it is
ahkmelp: I have met the infinite
ahkmelp: and that will keep my heart beating
ahkmelp: I will let you hear soon
mslaurar49: you know something, this world doesn't deserve you
ahkmelp: that is a really deep and inviting thing for you to say...I've never heard that before though I think around it
ahkmelp: do you know that I write unconsciously
mslaurar49: now i do
ahkmelp: I've performed in front of hundreds...consistently for 730 days in a row, my poetry is unlimited
mslaurar49: thousands, don't cut yourself short
ahkmelp: I have roughly 700+ poems titled and trademarked with the title...waiting to be published
mslaurar49: people everyday read your work
ahkmelp: you feel me
mslaurar49: yes i do
ahkmelp: meant hundred thousands
mslaurar49: i have tears in my eyes now
ahkmelp: smiling
ahkmelp: why
mslaurar49: me to
ahkmelp: my tears are in each word
mslaurar49: because just when i thought you were hurt, lost, disappointed, you showed me in one line that it is totally opposite
ahkmelp: women have been evil to me, very very evil
mslaurar49: that brought my heart racing
ahkmelp: so I flip the pot hole cover on them
mslaurar49: a lot of women are full of games
mslaurar49: looking for what they can get
mslaurar49: instead of what they can give
mslaurar49: but that shoe goes on the other foot as well
ahkmelp: Live from the Stuy/Do or Die reppin for the people that can not see as far as I - because 24 hours of sleep is for the weak/therefor I will continue to shine while in a NY state of mind....
mslaurar49: city that never sleeps
ahkmelp: the only person that can push me is me, the only love I can experience is my own...
ahkmelp: my pain is your happiness
ahkmelp: feel me on that
mslaurar49: yes i do
mslaurar49: i see that now
ahkmelp: like Jesus I am a Prophet of Higher Authority Righteously Orating Divinity
ahkmelp: PHAROD
mslaurar49: what a beautiful name
mslaurar49: strong name
ahkmelp: I used to sing this in a rhyme I wrote when I was was the chorus....."what would the world still do without me" " KEEP SPINNING":
ahkmelp: All of His Knowledge Makes Everyone Listen to AHKMEL
ahkmelp: both acronyms
mslaurar49: i'm listening
ahkmelp: that is not everyday...this has been since 15yrs of age
ahkmelp: I am now 30
ahkmelp: I've lost so much to inherit in my heart the heaven and earth...that is why I am the reason that became the man
mslaurar49: have i told you that i think you are wonderful
ahkmelp: have now
ahkmelp: and I believe you
mslaurar49: exhaling all out
mslaurar49: and i believe ou
mslaurar49: you
mslaurar49: i'm at a lost of words right now
mslaurar49: sitting here slumped
mslaurar49: i've never know anyone as deep as you
ahkmelp: I've been known to do that, thank you for sharing
mslaurar49: no thank you
mslaurar49: i wish i was with you right now so i could just hold you
mslaurar49: stare in your eyes
ahkmelp: Titled: More Than Pure

From the first moment
To our first kiss
Do you remember
How our computer love
Brought closer our lips
You sat at your desk
as I did the same
every morning looking
for your name
to appear to the right side
of my name
I love every minute
And second of my thoughts
When they are of you
Symbolic to the way
I take pleasure
In logging on just for you
Presenting to you my all
That you will never have
a need to ignore
because these thoughts are

More Than Pure

ahkmelp: These are the thoughts tonight
ahkmelp: this is the addiction the drug that's deeper than love.......
mslaurar49: never mind the holding you or staring in your eyes.... i want to breath in the air you let out
ahkmelp: that is beautiful to say
mslaurar49: you did it
ahkmelp: so warm it is felt upon my inner most thoughts that protect me from everything I fail to understand
mslaurar49: tell me somethings you fail to understand
mslaurar49: that is open to any subject
ahkmelp: why I am not meeting my reflection
mslaurar49: you are meeting way more then your reflection...
mslaurar49: i was curious
mslaurar49: to see where you where going to take that
mslaurar49: are you still working?
mslaurar49: or rather did you finish what you had to do
ahkmelp: doing both
mslaurar49: i hope one day i can be everything you need and desire
ahkmelp: wow
mslaurar49: that was just my current thought
mslaurar49: i like sharing with you
mslaurar49: i don't feel like i have to hide anything
ahkmelp: I appreciated it
mslaurar49: i hope i'm not scaring you
ahkmelp: not at all
mslaurar49: #:-S
mslaurar49: as much as i want to stay here and keep talking, i'm going to let you concentrate on your work so you can finish and get some sleep.........
mslaurar49: i have enjoyed this conversation more then you will know
ahkmelp: ok thank you
ahkmelp: I have as well
ahkmelp: thank you for being here
mslaurar49: aaaaaahhhhhhhh you making me blush.. my pleasure
mslaurar49: Good night, sweet dreams, and i hope to catch you tomorrow
ahkmelp: ok
ahkmelp: I will be on
mslaurar49: MUAH

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