The Rebirth of Fashion

When fashion takes a break it sits down and takes a picture.

Thursday, January 18, 2001


I must admit
You are doing something to me
It feels good
It feels right
Can this be
The love I was once afraid of
You talk to me
And I imagine
I talk to you
speaking the truth
as the imagery of beautiful stories
Come to mine for me to share
With you and only you
Last night do you remember
The bedtime story about Holding Hands
I made up just for your dreams
To welcome you
Your name your frame
Remember how every woman
Looked the same
Every man
The message in the story
Was about me
wanting to hold your hand
lets take a trip
and show the world
we can STILL be happy before we marry
I’m destined as I compose this poem
To become yours
Your reason
Your energy
your motivation
your dedication
your desire
your acquired immune syndrome
without the deficiency
your everything and more
that you thought
you would never see
awake now, not able to sleep
because of so many things
I have on my mine
Like this poem
I’m writing inspired by you for you
Late at night at this time
Thanking you, because you are


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