The Rebirth of Fashion

When fashion takes a break it sits down and takes a picture.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Real Man in Me - 01/22/02 (w)

If I didn't know any better
I would keep my problems
from you
My world - and
what turns me on
what turns me off
How many women
I'm trying to keep to myself
How many men
I'm trying to avoid
only admitting to you
that if your beauty
is not in my life
it would be a major void
expressing over and over
wanting to explore you
your voice, your fingertips
I desire to keep moist
leaving it up to you
to make the final decision
not counting out my precision
as my sight beyond sight wants to
or better yet needs to
include you within the world
of the respectful intellectual
not running when the fire goes out
staying to start another
because for your attention
I'll be that arsonist requiring
your unconditional smiles as my sponsorship
to remain the Gentleman that I am
expressing to you only what I know
because of what I've learned
so far in life is enough
to on your face keep that glow
whether you are or were hurt in the past
I got the relief to heal you patiently
and that my dear will last
as long as you allow it
as my Lord shared with me
my responsibilities
when it comes to keeping the faith
believing in a female more than
I might want to sometimes believe in myself
putting in 10% on top of 100
that's not even in my possession
being touched by you I can admit
will be more than a valuable impression
more like a priceless expression
of what you mean to me
as you become now apart of my history
adding another chapter to my Biography
as every page or thought I've written
or composed is about

The Real Man in Me - 01/22/02

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