The Rebirth of Fashion

When fashion takes a break it sits down and takes a picture.

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

Within the Middle

The reason I keep striving
knowing that now
you think of me unconditionally
Fastens my love
to my life real tight
just for one more chance
to wish you a good morning
after a tender good night
I would like to hold you
I mean I would love
for you to hold me
so I can cry in your arms,
where I can release my pain
that hasn't yet washed away
with yesterday's rain
Carrie, believe that
my feelings are sincere
and bottled just for our kids
to share and experience one day
whether it's stormy out or sunny
I want to show you again
my first smile my first fear
of not keeping you near,
I struggle now a little
because I don't get to secure
that beautiful place
in your chest that lies

Within the Middle

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