The Rebirth of Fashion

When fashion takes a break it sits down and takes a picture.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Let There Be Love

Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love

Orderly my fashion
Revolution the action
Complete satisfaction

You see without love
There is love without
Meaning how would you
Know love
If you don’t show love

Expressing it
Without saying it
to me is love

Like love is blind
Or love is silent
Golden in its value
And for that I’m staying in it

Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love

Switching it on
Keeping it strong
My position my song

Shared with the world
Once listened by the
Desperately seeking my wrong

Secret the mind
Faithful to the plan
Which is to understand
That love stays here
When love once shown is gone

So let there be love
Let there be love

Let There Be Love

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