The Rebirth of Fashion

When fashion takes a break it sits down and takes a picture.

Monday, August 28, 2000

How I Really Feel

What I really think
and how I really feel
should always remain a mystery,
as you are my ambition
when it comes to keeping it real
I can't let you know everything
because I am destined to show you everything
take your time with yourself,
just because I said so...
listen to me because My knowledge
approaches you in every respectful way
my words of endearment
kidnaps you in an intellectual way
just think back to feeling something
that you never felt before,
then place your heart out on the dance floor,
No one would see your pain,
No one would see your struggle,
No one would see that you require more,
more love than you are receiving
more affection that you are needing
what is permanent, is a memory
longing to be thought of when it comes
to more love than you have bargained for,
and then there is me,
you wonder as you will,
just relax, free your soul from anticipation
so I can continue expressing to you

How I Really Feel

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